The universe and the secret of its formation


     Speaking of the history of Lebanon is speaking about the father of civilization.

Lebanon is the genuine lantern that illuminates humanity since it is the source and the treasure of knowledge. Lebanon is a fact and a necessity. Unfortunately, some historians related our civilization to other populations. Actually, there is a difference between historians who documented their findings by archeological proofs; and other intruders, who are collecting what ever they found; forgetting that the brilliant light of truth will show the splendor of the magnificent Lebanon.

     The genius and the great philosophers of the giant and eternal Lebanon cultivated, ancestors in Lebanon planted good seeds, which grew, flourished and gave excellent production but others gathered because at the time of the collect they were navigating, immigrating and cultivating in another place, because they were Kings of the sea. Yet others who did not know how to plant, they only knew how to steel the crops.

The contemporary scholars confronted this genius philosopher with the refusal of his theory. They had obstinate ideas to the extent that they burned his writings, which was the cause of that huge darkness that enrolled his personality. Some were the exception who comprehended his theories and they translated it to the Greek language. One is Philo of Byblos at the beginning of the 2nd century after Christ; the second was the ecclesiastic historian "Eusebius of Caesarea(1)" in his book "Praeparatio Evangelica (2), "Preparation of the Gospel".4th century A.D." Others also wrote about him like" Porphyry of Tyre at the 3rd century after Christ.

Sanchuniaton was the Master the Priest and the Connoisseur of his time.

"Porphyry" was the first one to explain the meaning of his name. SACHUN=the Temple & IATON=gives, so his name means the priest who lived in the temple or the friend of the truth. Sanchuniaton lived before Philo of Byblos by 1300 years and was the first one who penetrated deeply in the secrets of existence. He was, and without discussion, the first who wrote the story of creation and the humans. His theory is based on, in the beginning; air was dark, and agitated by the spirit. On the other hand nothing was there except the spirit of dark air and emptiness, which mixed with deep dusky and gloomy void, others translations called it rotten mud and this was endless. During many centuries, there were no consequences, no results, but disorder. But when the spirit of "Desire=" (Eros) and the wind came to an amalgamation producing "MOT" , which means in the Phoenician language (Death), they gave rise to mating and reproduction of primary animals with no sense called " SAFASHAMAIM" which means creatures looking to the sky (Observers of heaven). Moreover, according to Eusebius of Caesarea from Philo of Byblos, it took the form of an egg .When air started to brighten up a result of that hotness of sea and earth gave rise to wind and clouds and fog resulting in huge rain what we call deluge. Sanchuniaton was the first one who spoke about the separation of the sky from earth and about the diversity of materials according to its molecules and atoms .They did not understand him but accused him of being talkative and quack. Accordingly, his theories and ideas became unfruitful at that time.

Our ancestors were far away from discussing those new ideas, and were stuck to their beliefs and their legends, which they thought to be sacred ones. We owe to Philo of Byblos and Eusebius of Caesarea the translations by which they preserved to us an inestimable treasure of knowledge based on Toth’s letters.

     Sanchuniaton was an important researcher and a great scientist, old fashioned, findings at that time, were very interesting for the coming generations, like the flying serpents and his description of the flying saucer. They are serpents with wings and spiral fans which vent gives us a huge growl with a very high speed, its brightness illuminates the sky. What was fiction became reality.

     Sanchuniaton was a great man and an important leader in the long journey of the history of intellect and creativity. Eusebius or Caesarea and Philo of Byblos stated that Sanchuniaton wrote the true story of history because he obtained the records from Jerubaal The priest of God, Sanchuniaton dedicated this records to the King Abibalus king of Berytus (Beirut).

Sanchuniaton based his work on secret writings on the pillars, which stood in the Phoenicians temples


The  History of gods. (MYTHOLOGY)



 Elioun  =  Beruth 
(Elyion)                                 (Hypsistus)|
                                     |              |
                                     |              |
                            (Uranus)/(Epigeius) = (Ge)
                                (Autochthon)    |
     |           |                              |           |        |                |       |
     |           |                              |           |        |                |       |   (El)     (Bethel)                                                        (El)
    Elus     Baetylus      (Uranus) = ? = Dagon/(Siton)  (Atlas)  Ashtarte = Elus = (Rhea)  Baaltis (Baalat Gebal)
  (Cronus)                          |    (Zeus Arotrios)       (Aphrodite)|      |         (Dione)
     |                              |                                     |      |
     +------------+--------+        |               +++++++-------+-------+-+    +++++++----+
     |            |        |        |               |||||||       |         |    |||||||    |
     |            |        |        |               |||||||       |         |    |||||||    |
(Persephone)  (Athena)  Sadidus  Demarūs  Sydyc = (Titanides)  (Pothos)  (Eros)7 sons   Muth (Mot)     (Annat)           (Hadad)  Zadok)                             Adodus/(Zeus) |   | (Artemides)                          (Thanatos)                  (Hadad)   
                                    |       |   |                                        (Pluto)
                             +------+  +++++++  +------+
                             |         |||||||         |
                             |         |||||||         |
               (Melkart) Melcarthus    (Cabeiri)   (Asclepius)
                        (Heracles)   (Corybantes)
                                Elus = Anobret       (Nereus)
               born in Peraea    |   |                  |
                                 |   |                  |
    +---------------+------------+   +----+             |
    |               |            |        |             |
    |               |            |        |             |
(Cronus II)   (Zeus) Belus   (Apollo)   Iedud        (Pontus)





The Giant Lebanon: Dr. Jamil Najjar, in press


Reference sur internet


( 1) Eusebius of Caesarea (~275 – May 30, 339) (often called Eusebius Pamphili, "Eusebius [the friend] of Pamphilus") was a bishop of Caesarea in Palestine and is often referred to as the father of church history because of his work in recording the history of the early Christian church. An earlier history by Hegesippus that he referred to has not survived.


(2) Praeparatio Evangelica (The Preparation of the Gospel) Early Church Fathers - Additional Texts


 (3) Phoenician History is the oldest non-coded archive of the Western World by a Phoenician priest and writer, Sanchuniathon, 2,000 BC.


(4)Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Sanchuniathon or Sanchoniathon or Sanchoniatho is the purported Phoenician author of three lost works originally in Phoenician, surviving only in partial paraphrase and summary of a Greek translation by Philo of Byblos, according to the Christian bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. These few fragments comprise the most extended literary source concerning Phoenician religion in either Greek or Latin.